Becky Capuzzi

Reflecting and Preparing

These years do seem to go by a little faster than I remember them as a kid. It used to seem like summer vacation lasted forever. Now everything seems to happen in a series of blinks. New Year – blink – Springtime – blink – Summer – blink…you get the point. And as I look back on this last year, I have a lot to be thankful for. We are all healthy. Our girls are thriving in college. I started a new business! Many blessings along the way. Some struggles and challenges, but that is what makes us better, stronger, and ultimately happier. Every experience shapes us into who we are, and who we will be. 

Empty nesting is still a bit of a struggle for me…Mike seems to have settled into this new chapter better than I have. We are fortunate our girls are less than 3 hours away and come home periodically, or that we can go see them rather easily. But the daily empty beds here are still a bit sad for me, because I realize all those loooong years, diapers, baths, playdates, preschool, school plays and projects, sleepovers, endless sports practices and weekends spend on a ball field or soccer field…that all went by so crazy fast. Though in full honestly, I don’t miss the 5 AM alarms for an away tournament!! But I would do it again in a heartbeat.

And now I also need to start preparing emotionally for the upcoming year. It’s a doozy for sure. A big birthday, and two college graduations. WOW. Big milestones for all, and I’m afraid I will blink and it will all be over. And with those, another life chapter closes. Ughhhh my heart.

I will try to be present and enjoy every single moment. I’m not always good at that, but will make a more concentrated effort to do so. While I love taking photos, I am guilty of putting my phone down and enjoying the time with family and friends. I need to do better to memorialize those events so I can look back and remember those important and special moments.

I have friends who are struggling with their own battles and obstacles. I want to be more present for them too. It’s a cliché saying, but life is short. Time is the only thing that once spent, you can’t get back. I want to be a good steward of my time and spend it in the most meaningful ways. I hope I can write next year’s post reflecting on the fact that I did just that. 

I hope this Holiday season you take the time to be present for those you love. While the quest for a perfect holiday is on every mom’s list, just remember a happy mom is the best. No one will notice if things aren’t as perfect as you’d like. They will remember that you laughed, you spent time with them, and you made them feel loved. And a little wine never hurts… 😉 ♥